Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm dog-tired...and so is my dog

I'm exhausted, after hours of intense cookie baking last night. my dog is too, apparently--she's gone all floppy and passed out on the rug. It's cute in a really pathetic way, but I know exactly how she feels. She's like my mom in that she wants to stay up as late as the last person up, but also like my mom she has no endurance. She (my dog, that is) kept on drifting off to sleep at 1 last night, and then jolting back awake (you know how when you're just drifting off to sleep and then all of a sudden you trip or something and you fall back into bed? That's what it looked like). I swear to god she hasn't moved in the last 2 hours. It's eerily...cat-like

Oh, and I think I broke our car. B T Dubs. woo hoo...really inconvenient, considering I need to get lots of shopping done still

what a lovely holiday season

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